Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Finally decided to follow the Middle Path, the Prince abandones ascetic life. First he had taken the special food "Khir" made by milk and rice offered by Sujatha.

Mara, the evil forces, such as: arrogance, hatred, defilements, etc., fail to disturb the Prince.

Finally Prince Siddahartha Gautama attains Enlightenment on Full moon day under the Bodhi tree after defeating Mara and became Buddha.

On Asālha (July) full moon day the Buddha delivered His first discourse to the five monks in the ancient kingdom of Benares in the Deer Park at Isipatana (the "Resort of Seers"). This discourse is known as Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta. Dhammacakkappavattana means The Expositon of the Establishment of Wisdom.

Once there was a war between "Sakya"s and "koliya"s for Rohini River water. In the mean time, Gautam the Buddha had been watching the world through his "Dibba-cakku", the third eye. He saw the war held between Sakyas and Koliyas. Immediately he stood in the air on the river Rohini. There he Preached them about the benifits of friendship and loss of enmity.

250 people of them have became Lord Buddha's disciples. Then he explained "Attadanda Sutta ", "Padandana Sutta" and "Latukita Jataka".

The Buddha returns to Kapilavathu to visit King Suddhodana and to preach Dharma to his royal relatives.

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